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Frugalpac terms and conditions for the purchase of goods
21st September, 2018

Making recyclable cups – start as you mean to go on

Frugal Cups are made from recycled paperboard. You’ll be surprised how unusual this is. Almost without exception, paper cups, even those claiming to be recyclable or compostable, are made from virgin paperboard. That’s the freshly manufactured bright clean sheets that manufacturers coat with plastics and chemicals to ensure that they’re waterproof. Even if the paperboard […]

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8th August, 2018

Why special bins won’t reduce cup waste

It feels like stating the obvious, but putting special bins in coffee shops is not going to reduce paper coffee cup waste. People use paper coffee cups when they want a take away coffee. Take away. The clue’s in the name. They’ll buy a coffee, leave the coffee shop, go to work, hop on a train, wander […]

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